Friday, August 17, 2012

Understanding Angelic Messages

Haven't posted in weeks. But I've known what to write since my last post.

When I awoke on Saturday, July 21st with the St. Francis prayer song message, I was so excited Allison, my guardian angel, had sent me such a sweet message. Beautiful to ponder AND perfect for my angel blog. I got up early, wrote my blog post and went back to bed feeling fulfilled. What a wonderful message to share.

Oh Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

I soon learned the song message was meant FOR ME! Sometimes when we receive angelic messages, it can take time before we understand the true meaning or guidance. But we will always be so enlightened. And that's the thing about messages from your angelic or spirit guides. They bring you just what YOU need to hear, when YOU need to hear it.

Back to July 21st. I found out at lunchtime that my husband was going to have to work most of the weekend. Surprise! Not only did he have to work that weekend, but the next two weekends and VERY late each weeknight for the next 3 weeks.

At first, I was NOT happy I would have to entertain myself all weekend. And each weeknight.  Luckily I did have a big art show to prepare for, so it helped me get that work done. Notice that I've still been talking about ME.

Oh Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

That song message was my guiding light for 3.5 weeks. It was Allison's way of gently helping me become a more considerate and giving spouse. It opened my eyes to the many areas of my life where I can seek to offer support, understanding and be attentive instead of longing for support, understanding and attention.

Iridescent Spirit Figure  22" x 7' x 3" by Mark Abildgaard

I'll share more stories about the revealing nature of angelic messages in future posts. Until then, thank you St. Francis and thank you Allison for your loving and soft but obvious guidance. 

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