Friday, June 29, 2012

Are you open to receiving?

Some people are natural givers. They see a person in need and they are right there to help. I admire these people greatly. While I might not be the best giver, I have noticed I am quite open to receiving love and abundance in my life. I was not always this way. Over the last 15 years, I have allowed much love and abundance to flow in. It is ALL a divine gift and I am very grateful. Guess it's a good thing that the more grateful you are, the more you attract things in your life for which to be grateful!! Woohoo.

While I am open to receiving, I've noticed that not everyone is.

Are you fully open to receiving?

Often when we pray, deep down we might doubt our request can be fulfilled. We want healing but can't envision it or don't make the effort to think about what the healing would be like - but rather continue to focus on the challenges of the illness. If we desire a full bank account but doubt the economy is robust enough to provide the ideal job and income, or believe our skill sets don't match the market, we prevent our natural answer from flowing to us. This lack of belief, fear or focus on the current state hinders the divine's answer from automatically flowing to us. Maybe not permanently, but it can certainly delay it.
Are you fully open to receiving? Through my guardian angel Allison and the archangels, I've learned many big life lessons. Here's one: whenever you ask for something, stop thinking about what you don't want, stop thinking about the situation the way it is, and focus on the OUTCOME you desire. Envision it. Feel the feeling you would feel once fulfilled. Spend time in this space. Lots of time. Actually KNOW that your request has already been answered, and that the partiuclar components to fulfilling your wish are zipping their way right to you. Hear the words, "And it is done." Wheeeeee. What you'll notice is your prayers are answered usually in a BIGGER way and maybe even faster than you imagined. I'm blessed to say this has been my experience.

When my husband and I were newly married and looking for a home, he wanted to build and I wanted to buy something already built. However, the one thing I did want was a view. After an exhaustive search of lots, my hubby was finally ready to look at existing homes. Yay - I was thrilled. As it turned out, there was one more lot left to look at that came on the market in the neighborhood I had always dreamed would be ideal. And guess what. This lot had one amazing view!! I was hooked. I gave in to building. It wasn't until the house was built that we knew how fabulous the view would be. I love living with the natural world all around me. It's very restorative and uplifting to my soul. I now know our home was only possible by joint commitment, tolerance, love and going with the flow. I see the hand of the divine here each day.

Are you fully open to receiving? I believe that each of our paths is perfect for each of us, whether it appears good or bad. One big lesson I've learned through my angel guidance is to trust the natural flow - to ALLOW good things to flow to us. If the natural flow doesn't appear good, trust that allowing and not resisting is optimum. If we don't stress, don't live in angst or worry but focus on living in the feeling of the answered prayer, the answers come with ease and without much effort. Sometimes the answer is different than we envisioned. But in hindsight we will see that all was necessary to get to where we wanted to go.

Are you fully open to receiving? "And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." Matthew 21.22. Belief and trust are key.

Here's the kicker. When I started conversing with my guardian angel Allison 19 years ago, when I was single and renting, she suggested I drive around town envisioning the nice home I might live in some day. Ha! I totally disregarded her suggestion. Would never happen. I couldn't even fathom it. Now today I am living happily married in the very neighborhood I considered ideal as a single, heartbroken young woman. Who knew? Allison knew!!!  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Theo - The Collective of 12 Archangelic Beings

In my 1st post, I told you I've been speaking to my guardian angel for 20 years. This occurs via writings as I hear her voice in my mind after I have invoked her to speak to me or answer a question or help me.

In my 2nd post, I introduced seven archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Sariel, Uriel, Raguel and Remiel. I invoked these archangels in October or November of 2010 and felt their healing power and answer to a deeply intense prayer. I felt their powerful presence as each seemed to drop into the space like they were quite large entities. I thanked them and made my heartfelt petition - to bring me exactly the right job for me. I was deeply moved. By the end of the "visit," I felt my wish had already been granted. I heard them say, "And it is done." I felt it was indeed. Within 24 hours, I had my first of 2 or 3 interviews at a local technology company for which I work today. Still enjoy it and am growing in many ways. These archangels are present with me as I have asked them to come live with me in my home. Something I recommend you do, if so inclined.

Today, I'd like take another bold step and introduce you to Shelia Gillette who channels Theo - an entity or collective of 12 archangelic beings. They have much inspiration to offer each of us. I will post two videos. This first one is Shelia describing how she met Theo a few months after a near-death experience and amazing healing.

In the next video, Shelia describes her channeling process and Theo comes through with inspirational words for each of us. They speak of 12 dimensions (similar to string theory) and the goal for each of us to reach our masterhood and understand our own divinity.

I wanted to be sure this was all a good idea so I asked Allison, my angel. Here is her response. Then the second video.

D: My dearest Allison - I am about to do my 3rd angel blog post and thought i would introduce Theo - the collective of 12 archangels as channeled by Shelia. Do you think this is optimum at this time?
A: Oh YES my dear! We are quite excited about reaching new beloved ones on this earth, to help them find their own masterhood in their love of the Lord. Yes that is correct. Their own masterhood which is part and parcel in their love of the Lord. Being a godspirit on earth is an exciting adventure with many thrills and some heartaches - but all part of the cycle of love and fulfillment. You will each all see your marvelous and spectacular place in the heavens when you depart, but we are hoping you will also discover your masterhood while still living upon this precious earth. Love to you and all those who read your angel blog. If you cannot tell already, this is my message to you and your sweet readers. Have a lovely and blessed evening my sweet one. Love abounds.

Now the second video where Theo speaks. Let me know what you think!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Archangels

After telling you about my guardian angel Allison, I thought I would write about the archangels. Multiple religious traditions tell us there are nice choirs of angels immenating from Divine Source. Our guardian angels and the archangels are in the outer realms and have the ability to take physical form. Some say the archangels oversee the responsibilities of the guardian angels and other celestial beings that guide us.
I have invoked the most commonly known seven archangels with amazing success - was a stunning and emotional experience. I have also been in the presence of Remiel when my 98-year-old grandmother was transitioning out of our physical world. I will save my personal stories for another day. For now, I thought I would introduce you to the seven archangels with whom I am familiar. Some say there are twelve and the number varies by tradition. But I can attest that these seven heard and answered my call.

Michael: His name means "Who is God." Michael is considered the number one archangel and is known as the protector, warrior and leader of the celestial armies. He is passionate about protecting you and helping you move into action and overcome fear.

Gabriel: Her name means "God is my strength." She governs your emotions, calming doubts and anxiety, helping you gain confidence. She is also known to coach and inspire artists and communicators (hope she is helping me now). 

Raphael:  Her name means "shining one who heals," so it's no surprise that in the Judeo-Christian tradition, Raphael is most known for healing. In Islam, Raphael is called asIsrafel. Call upon Raphael for healing of body, mind and spirit.

Uriel: Uriel's name means "God is my light," "fire of God," "flame of God," "light of God." Uriel is often considered the great archangel of the Earth, the patron of music and the messenger of warnings.

Raguel: This archangel's name means "friend of God." He is the angel of justice and fairness and acts like a police officer to keep us (ourselves and others) in line. He is considered the angelic ambassador of harmony, balance and orderliness and is a powerful champion of peace.

Sariel: This archangel's name means "Command of God," "Commandment of God" or God's angelic commander." Sariel is known for being an angel of guidance and knowledge. Call upon Sariel to help keep things in order when events and life seem like chaos.

Remiel: His name means "mercy of God." This is the angel of vision and the angel of hope. He is responsible for true divine visions and is assigned to greeting us at death's door and escorting us to heaven.

I encourage you to invoke each one individually as needed, and for powerful intercession, invoke them all by slowly chanting their names and breathing between their names. Be prepared for it will be a powerfully moving experience - and be ready to state your request and to be heard and answered! 

I will write about each one individually over for the next few weeks, and then write about the 9 choirs of angels and what is generally understood about them. Unless you have other topics you would like for me to address. :-) Would love to hear from you. Send me your angel story. Those are always inspiring and wonderful to share. 

Have a blessed day!! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Conversing with my guardian angel.

I grew up believing angels were part of the heavenly arena, and was told as a child I had a guardian angel. It wasn't until my early thirties though that I realized this was a reality for me and everyone else.

Living in Chicago in 1991, I was going through some life challenges and was praying for guidance. I started receiving unexpected "messages" - concepts or thoughts started popping into my head. After testing these messages or directives, I realized something outside myself or beyond my physical understanding was there to help me or make my day just a little brighter, whether it was running into a good friend after something told me to walk a different path to work or the perfect luminous acrylic paint for my artwork mysterious dropped off the art supply store shelf right in front of me.

So who / what was this voice? One day, the voice directed me to go to mass late on a week day afternoon when all I really wanted to do was go shopping. After a wacky back-and-forth banter in my head, I was convinced to go. I was "reminded "I would still have 15 minutes afterwards to get to William Sonoma to buy the item I wanted. I was convinced so I walked into mass and discovered it was the feast of the guardian angel!! I felt she/he was slowly revealing her presence to me. I was blown away and began reading lots of angel books.

After moving to Austin in 1993, I read a book called "Ask Your Angel." After following just two of the five exercises they suggested, I was in touch!! I discovered my angel's name is Allison and since that day she has given me enormous support and guidance (mostly via writing exercises). When I am fearful, frustrated, angry, happy or in need of inspiration, I go to Allison and she encourages me, offering guidance and clarity I am not able to see on my own. This has helped me enormously!!

If you or anyone you know is interested in meeting their angel and receiving divine guidance, I am thinking of starting some angel workshops. I just have an outline at this point and a few pages of notes geared to help you open to and listen to the unique way your angel can communicate with you. Hope to do a run through with my friends soon to optimize the format. So stay tuned.

As for Allison - why don't you say hello! Her words are normally just for me - she has told me she is an expert on ME. Though she has graciously offered to give me a message for my first post, and I sure hope she'll have more in the future. So here is a message to you from my guardian angel Allison (I am transcribing right now so here goes):

Allison: "Dear friends of my precious Debbi. I am sure you already know what a special creature and Godspirit she is, whether you know her well or not. I assure you, she is kind hearted and deeply committed to discovering the Divine Will for her life and for others. So I hope you will inquire - call, write or let her know you are interested in learning more about our angelic guidance - always available for each and everyone of you to help you however YOU need guidance. We are here for YOU. No one else. You have free will to act however you wish. But if you get the notion to discover more, we all above encourage you to take that step. We can't wait to talk to you!!! A big door is opening for so many on this planet, so I hope you will read on your own or visit Debbi's blog, but get in touch with your angelic guides. We can't wait to hear from you."

Debbi: Wow!! Thank you Allison!!! Much love to you!! You always come through for me!!

This is how it works, folks. I ask a question by typing it on my computer, and then I hear answers in my head, not my ears, and type them out. Kind of like how your would remember someone saying something in your head. Allison's vocabulary is a bit broader than mine, too. I save my writings so I have encouraging words to read later. Let me know what you think. Many of you may already have a connection like this on your own. If so, I'd love to hear from you as well. Happy angelic conversing to you all!!!

P.S. This image is from a Christmas card my parents gave me last Christmas Eve.