Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Archangels

After telling you about my guardian angel Allison, I thought I would write about the archangels. Multiple religious traditions tell us there are nice choirs of angels immenating from Divine Source. Our guardian angels and the archangels are in the outer realms and have the ability to take physical form. Some say the archangels oversee the responsibilities of the guardian angels and other celestial beings that guide us.
I have invoked the most commonly known seven archangels with amazing success - was a stunning and emotional experience. I have also been in the presence of Remiel when my 98-year-old grandmother was transitioning out of our physical world. I will save my personal stories for another day. For now, I thought I would introduce you to the seven archangels with whom I am familiar. Some say there are twelve and the number varies by tradition. But I can attest that these seven heard and answered my call.

Michael: His name means "Who is God." Michael is considered the number one archangel and is known as the protector, warrior and leader of the celestial armies. He is passionate about protecting you and helping you move into action and overcome fear.

Gabriel: Her name means "God is my strength." She governs your emotions, calming doubts and anxiety, helping you gain confidence. She is also known to coach and inspire artists and communicators (hope she is helping me now). 

Raphael:  Her name means "shining one who heals," so it's no surprise that in the Judeo-Christian tradition, Raphael is most known for healing. In Islam, Raphael is called asIsrafel. Call upon Raphael for healing of body, mind and spirit.

Uriel: Uriel's name means "God is my light," "fire of God," "flame of God," "light of God." Uriel is often considered the great archangel of the Earth, the patron of music and the messenger of warnings.

Raguel: This archangel's name means "friend of God." He is the angel of justice and fairness and acts like a police officer to keep us (ourselves and others) in line. He is considered the angelic ambassador of harmony, balance and orderliness and is a powerful champion of peace.

Sariel: This archangel's name means "Command of God," "Commandment of God" or God's angelic commander." Sariel is known for being an angel of guidance and knowledge. Call upon Sariel to help keep things in order when events and life seem like chaos.

Remiel: His name means "mercy of God." This is the angel of vision and the angel of hope. He is responsible for true divine visions and is assigned to greeting us at death's door and escorting us to heaven.

I encourage you to invoke each one individually as needed, and for powerful intercession, invoke them all by slowly chanting their names and breathing between their names. Be prepared for it will be a powerfully moving experience - and be ready to state your request and to be heard and answered! 

I will write about each one individually over for the next few weeks, and then write about the 9 choirs of angels and what is generally understood about them. Unless you have other topics you would like for me to address. :-) Would love to hear from you. Send me your angel story. Those are always inspiring and wonderful to share. 

Have a blessed day!! 

1 comment:

  1. Deb, I love your new blog! Thanks so much for sharing this information, so interesting, and helpful. I look forward to more posts!
